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Propose an Amendment

Draft a Proposal

To draft a proposal call the draftprop action.

ACTION draftprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
titlestring"Proposal A"The title of the proposal.
subtitlestring"A proposal to update doc1"The subtitle of the proposal.
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name for the proposal.
proposernametestaccount1The Telos account of the proposer.
document_namenamedoc1The document affected by the proposal.
new_contentmap<name, string>{ sectionc: "New Section C Text", sectiond: "New Section" }The new content for the document broken down by section name and the content to write to the section.
cleos push action amend.decide draftprop '{ ... }' -p proposer

Launch a Proposal

Once a proposal draft is complete, the proposer must launch the proposal. This will lock the proposal details in and deploy a ballot for the amendment on Telos Decide.

ACTION launchprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name.
cleos push action amend.decide launchprop '{ ... }' -p proposer

End a Proposal

Once voting has concluded on the amendment, the proposer must end the proposal with the endprop action.

ACTION endprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name.
cleos push action amend.decide endprop '{ ... }' -p proposer

Amend a Successful Proposal

If a proposal was approved after calling the endprop action, the actual document text can be updated with the amendprop action. This will loop over the approved content from the proposal and apply it to the appropriate document sections.

ACTION amendprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name
amendernametestaccountaThe account amending the document.
cleos push action amend.decide amendprop '{ ... }' -p amender

Cancel or Delete a Proposal

To cancel a proposal that is currently open for voting, call the cancelprop action.

ACTION cancelprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name
memostring"memo here"An optional memo describing the cancellation.
cleos push action amend.decide cancelprop '{ ... }' -p proposer

To fully delete a cancelled proposal or a proposal draft, call the deleteprop action.

ACTION deleteprop

Parameter NameTypeExampleDescription
ballot_namenamepropaballotThe Telos Decide ballot name
cleos push action amend.decide deleteprop '{ ... }' -p proposer